The House of Wellness TV – Episode 35

The House of Wellness – Episode 35

In this week’s show, Zoe Bingley-Pullin looks at the importance of fuelling our bodies before, during and after a workout.  Mummy expert Pinky McKay shares some tricks on how to tame toddler tantrums, and Jo Stanley hits the road to myth-bust some of those old housewives’ tales surrounding our health. Sleep medicine consultant Dr Mark Levi discusses how to get enough sleep and boost your energy in one night, community pharmacist Gerald Quigley answers your calls, the team learns how our lifestyle affects our skin, and we meet another inspirational House Hero.

Cast: Ed Phillips, Zoe Marshall, and Gerald Quigley

Guests: Zoe Bingley-Pullin, Pinky McKay, Dr Mark Levi, Jo Stanley, Diane Mitchelmore