Easy ways to beat your needle phobia, and how TikTok can help

No one likes getting a shot in the arm, but for some people, the idea of a needle fills them with sheer dread. Here’s how to get on top of fear of injection.  

Between Covid jabs, flu vaccinations, blood tests, and anything else that might necessitate getting a needle, it’s small wonder we’re beginning to feel like pin cushions.

Most of us push through the sharp discomfort knowing it’s a necessary part of health care, but up to 25 per cent of adults and kids have a genuine needle phobia.

Some people are so fearful they avoid any medical treatment that might involve an injection.

University of Western Australia psychological science professor Andrew Page says there are several reasons people may be scared of needles.

“They worry the needle might hurt, or they worry whether a vaccine is safe or if they will have an adverse reaction,” Prof Page says.

People with trypanophobia, a phobia of needles, may experience shortness of breath, dizziness, sweaty palms, shakiness and rapid heartbeat when faced with the prospect of an injection.

Some people faint as their blood pressure rises with the fear and suddenly drops.

How to manage needle phobia

If the thought of a needle makes you queasy, there are a number of therapies that may help.

Exposure-based therapy

A GP or psychologist may suggest exposure-based therapy for overcoming anxiety around needles.

“You will gradually expose yourself to needles with a series of non-threatening steps,” explains RACGP Victorian chair Dr Anita Munoz.

“You might look at an image of a syringe and then actually pick up that picture.

“When you are comfortable, you can hold a syringe and then talk through the vaccination process.

“Then you might progress to sitting in a waiting room where vaccinations are being done, and having your arm swabbed – all working towards having a needle yourself.”

Focus on relaxing your muscles

Progressive muscle relaxation, which involves scanning each of your muscles and relaxing them, is another technique that is often recommended.

“While you are having a vaccine or a blood test, focus on tensing muscles in different parts of your body – but not the arm where the needle is,” Dr Munoz says.

“Focusing on muscles in other parts of your body distracts your mind and your brain pays less attention to the vaccine or blood test that is being done.”

Distract your brain

Dr Munoz suggests using the power of mindfulness to link having a needle with a more pleasant sensation.

“Think of sucking on a lolly so you associate the process of having a needle with something nice, rather than something fearful,” she says.

“When the time comes to have a needle, focus on that pleasant sensation to distract your brain.”

Or suck on a real lolly and focus on the taste and texture of that lolly in your mouth.

Admit your fears

Tell the person giving you the needle that you are afraid.

“Don’t be embarrassed, they see plenty of people who are anxious,” Prof Page says.

“They can talk to you and distract you while the procedure is happening.

“Research shows conversation is a good distraction so have something to talk about when you arrive – ask the person doing the vaccine or blood test if they’ve seen any good movies lately or what they did at the weekend.”

Can a popular TikTok hack help needle phobia?

If the stabbing pain in your arm is what’s putting you off getting your next shot, TikTok may have the solution.

A number of users are suggesting to move your arm around after having the vaccine, to get blood circulating and aide recovery.

Those on TikTok are demonstrating this by swinging their arm in a windmill motion.

But whether that amount of movement is necessary is up for debate, some experts suggest consistent gentle arm movements for a couple of hours post vaccine may help avoid pain at the injection site.

Are there other ways to vaccinate?

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could take the medicine without the needle?

Scientists around the world are working to develop alternatives to intramuscular needles.

One idea being developed hopes to reduce the number of post-jab side effects by injecting the vaccine under the skin rather than directly into the muscle.

Researchers say mice which were injected under the skin showed a lower rate of adverse effects such as fatigue, but had the same protective effects of vaccination.

Written by Sarah Marinos. Updated Bryan Hoadley June 2022.